Friday 28 June 2019



Meet my fish. MR. RAINBOW.
 He has been created by Quinn (myself), Rosanna and Ashmara. I love what we have created and which is pretty good with the amount of effort we put into it!
 I really enjoyed the work leading up to it and would love to do it again.

Looking Back I Wish I'd Known

This is a piece of art that we did in room 12 I really enjoyed it.
You needed to have a few ideas and it was based on what bad things or things that are not so great that have happened and what you wished you would have known before you did it  I used my water colour pencils and love how it came out!

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Friday 21 June 2019

Autumn Writing

This is my Autumn writing. This piece is about me if I were a tree in Autumn. How I would live my life. I really enjoyed this piece and would love to do it for the following seasons.

Wednesday 12 June 2019