Friday 15 June 2018

For our term 1 our inquiry focus is about our names. We did a self portrait of ourselves.
 Here's mine:
I really enjoyed the painting that we used for our faces.
Next time I would like to add more detail to my background.

Here are my goals for 2018:

I have already completed 3 of my goals and I am striving to reach them all.
Next time I would like to think of some more goals.

In the year 5 neighborhood we are learning about our names.
 Here is a piece of art work that I did:

I love the end result, but I didn't enjoy all of the colouring that I had to do.
 Next time I would like to make it a little more detailed.

My Inquiry question is 'Why is Gisborne the first to see the sun?'

Here is my work:

I enjoyed doing research and finding out new facts about the sun and 'why Gisborne is the first to see the sun.'  Next time I would like to lay out my work and make it tidier.